Thursday, December 31, 2009

Irish Blessing From Our Home To Yours...Happy New Year From Cottage Dreams!

May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours

wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life's passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Let It Snow..Let It Snow..Let It Snow!

I adore the snow! Yes I am a snow lover. I don't care how much we get at all as a matter a fact I demand more! I would be happy to be snowed in, for all thats worth. Here in Pennsylvania it either snows really alot then it all melts or it looks as if we may get 3 feet and we get something that resembles a dusting of snow or lately we have been getting NOTHING at all! It started yesterday and has just kept coming over night. Not a lot just here and there. My hubby has been growling for 3 weeks or so about the snow blower we purchased and have not yet been able to use. Sorry for that Mr. Cottage Dreams. Hey maybe your dreams will soon come true. Well if we keep our fingers crossed we may, just may be skiing and snowboarding our way into the New Year. Can't wait for that! So until that really big snow arrives, keep warm, stay away from sick people (the nurse in me) and for goodness sakes WEAR A HAT! (Thats the old person and mother in me) Go out and build a snowman, find that perfect tree, throw snowballs or just take a walk in the snow. Shoo, go now, don't waste another moment. The clocks a ticking. Soon winter and another year will be gone. Have a simply wonderful week, with NO stress. If you are having it you are doing something wrong….so get rid of it! Family is all that matters, nothing else!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why The Evergreen Trees Never Loose Their Leaves


   WINTER was coming, and the birds had flown far to the south, where the air was warm and they could find berries to eat. One little bird had broken its wing and could not fly with the others. It was alone in the cold world of frost and snow. The forest looked warm, and it made its way to the trees as well as it could, to ask for help.

  First it came to a birch tree. "Beautiful birch tree," it said, "my wing is broken, and my friends have flown away. May I live among your branches till they come back to me?"

   "No, indeed," answered the birch tree, drawing her fair green leaves away. "We of the great forest have our own birds to help. I can do nothing for you."

   "The birch is not very strong," said the little bird to itself, "and it might be that she could not hold me easily. I will ask the oak." So the bird said: "Great oak tree, you are so strong, will you not let me live on your boughs till my friends come back in the springtime?"

   "In the springtime!" cried the oak. "That is a long way off. How do I know what you might do in all that time? Birds are always looking for something to eat, and you might even eat up some of my acorns."

   "It may be that the willow will be kind to me," thought the bird, and it said: "Gentle willow, my wing is broken, and I could not fly to the south with the other birds. May I live on your branches till the springtime?"

   The willow did not look gentle then, for she drew herself up proudly and said: "Indeed, I do not know you, and we willows never talk to people whom we do not know. Very likely there are trees somewhere that will take in strange birds. Leave me at once."

   The poor little bird did not know what to do. Its wing was not yet strong, but it began to fly away as well as it could. Before it had gone far a voice was heard. "Little bird," it said, "where are you going?"

   "Indeed, I do not know," answered the bird sadly. "I am very cold."

   "Come right here, then," said the friendly spruce tree, for it was her voice that had called.

   "You shall live on my warmest branch all winter if you choose."

   "Will you really let me?" asked the little bird eagerly.

   "Indeed, I will," answered the kind-hearted spruce tree. "If your friends have flown away, it is time for the trees to help you. Here is the branch where my leaves are thickest and softest."

   "My branches are not very thick," said the friendly pine tree, "but I am big and strong, and I can keep the North Wind from you and the spruce."

   "I can help, too," said a little juniper tree. "I can give you berries all winter long, and every bird knows that juniper berries are good."

   So the spruce gave the lonely little bird a home; the pine kept the cold North Wind away from it; and the juniper gave it berries to eat. The other trees looked on and talked together wisely.

   "I would not have strange birds on my boughs," said the birch.

   "I shall not give my acorns away for any one," said the oak.

   "I never have anything to do with strangers," said the willow, and the three trees drew their leaves closely about them.

   In the morning all those shining, green leaves lay on the ground, for a cold North Wind had come in the night, and every leaf that it touched fell from the tree.

   "May I touch every leaf in the forest?" asked the wind in its frolic.

   "No," said the Frost King. "The trees that have been kind to the little bird with the broken wing may keep their leaves."

   This is why the leaves of the spruce, the pine, and the juniper are always green.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

(In)Courage: Inconvenient Gratitude

 I think this is a blog more than worthy of our time. It is uplifting, motivating and thought provoking. And in these times we all need a little of that. (In) Courage is great reading. It is good for the heart and great for our minds. So if you have a few moments go over and check it out, you will not be sorry you did...I wasn't! So this season and throughout the holidays lets all think about what we are truly thankful for and whether we truly are thankful! Here is a small excerpt from the post....

 Am I thankful? 

Sure I am. As long as it’s convenient.

As long as the gift-giver is within ear’s reach of my thank you. And as long as what I’m thankful for is good, comfortable, pleasant and smells great.

I never thank anyone for rolling over my toe with their cart in the grocery store or thank someone for an unkind word. And I never thank God for struggles.

(In)Courage: Inconvenient Gratitude

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweet 16!

Happy birthday to you…Happy birthday to you…Happy birthday dearest Jessy…happy birthday to you! Oh to be 16 again. So young and to have that just one more time. You are so dear to my heart my darling! I remember the day you were born so beautiful I was in love, again. 16 years later guess what my baby girl? I’m still in love. Every time I see your face, hear your voice I fall in love yet again. Even when I really don’t like what you are saying I still love you with all my heart.


I still love your sweet heart and your beautiful voice and your kind and gentle spirit. The way you just can soothe even me at times when I am upset with something and you say it’s OK mom it’s not the end of the world. I smile and think maybe I have done things right somewhere. There’s your kindness towards others and your very compassionate soul. The way you love the people that are special to you. It is a pleasure to have you as my daughter. I am blessed!


What can I say you are just simply beautiful!


You have danced and sang your way right into our hearts! My sweet baby Jessica, how wonderful you are!


Those eyes they are the most beautiful I have ever seen. Someday those eyes will melt another soul beside just your fathers and mine. At times it is very hard to say no to those eyes, but it has to be done!










You are definitely mommas girl! And you have definitely won me over for life. I will always be your favorite fan! Couldn’t imagine going through this life without you ever. You have made every day such a sweet part of being alive. Today we celebrate you my darling and your wondrous birth! We celebrate the ever so beautiful and precious……Jessica! Happy birthday my darling! Happy sweet 16th birthday! Many, many more to come!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Welcome To Our Family Chino And Chico

Chino and Chico are Toy Fox Terrier and Chihuahua. Otherwise known as Taco Terriers. Who would have thought! They are a wonderful addition to our family. So full of boundless energy and excitement. The poodles HATE them and stay as far away as possible. Spoiled a little I might say. Just as they should be of course. OK so our children are at that age where no one wants to cuddle, no one even wants to stay around. It’s all about friends, friends and more friends. Mom is adjusting. OK she’s not. Actually Chico was our youngest daughters 16th birthday present. The chocolate and white is Chico, Chico the terror. Chino is very mellow. Cuddler’s they are! Very fragile weighing about 2 lbs each. It’s scary at times stepping on them would mean tragedy for them. They are a handful literally. 10 weeks old and both boys, oh my!
IMG_1087 IMG_1088 IMG_1089 IMG_1090 IMG_1091 IMG_1092 IMG_1093 IMG_1094 IMG_1095 IMG_1096 IMG_1097 IMG_1098 IMG_1099 IMG_1100 IMG_1101 IMG_1102 IMG_1103 IMG_1104 IMG_1105 IMG_1106 IMG_1107 IMG_1108 IMG_1109 IMG_1110
Welcome Chino and Chico to our family. Many years of love you will bring us! Thank Heaven For Little Boys!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

In Memory Of Our Veterans, Thank You! Buy A Red Poppie Today!

 Courtesy of the History Channel, for more information on the holiday please just click on the post

Veterans Day History
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as "the Great War." Commemorated as Armistice Day beginning the following year, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars.
The Great War & Armistice Day
Though the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, November 11 remained in the public imagination as the date that marked the end of the Great War. In November 1918, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day. The day's observation included parades and public gatherings, as well as a brief pause in business activities at 11 a.m. On November 11, 1921, an unidentified American soldier killed in the war was buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C.; the U.S. Congress had declared the day a legal federal holiday in honor of all those who participated in the war. On the same day, unidentified soldiers were laid to rest at Westminster Abbey in London and at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

On June 4, 1926, Congress passed a resolution that the "recurring anniversary of [November 11, 1918] should be commemorated with thanksgiving and prayer and exercises designed to perpetuate peace through good will and mutual understanding between nations" and that the president should issue an annual proclamation calling for the observance of Armistice Day. By that time, 27 state legislatures had made November 11 a legal holiday. An act approved May 13, 1938 made November 11 a legal Federal holiday, "dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be hereafter celebrated and known as 'Armistice Day.'" In actuality, there are no U.S. national holidays because the states retain the right to designate their own, and the government can only designate holidays for federal employees and for the District of Columbia. In practice, however, states almost always follow the federal lead.

Celebrating Veterans Day around the World 
Britain, France, Australia and Canada also commemorate the veterans of World Wars I and II on or near November 11th: Canada has Remembrance Day, while Britain has Remembrance Sunday (the second Sunday of November). In Europe, Britain and the Commonwealth countries it is common to observe two minutes of silence at 11 a.m. every November 11.

In the United States, an official wreath-laying ceremony is held each Veterans Day at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, while parades and other celebrations are held in states around the country. Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day--a common misunderstanding, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Memorial Day (the fourth Monday in May) honors American servicemembers who died in service to their country or as a result of injuries incurred during battle, while Veterans Day pays tribute to all American veterans--living or dead--but especially gives thanks to living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime.

Red poppies, a symbol of World War I (from their appearance in the poem "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae) are sold in Canada and the United Kingdom on Remembrance Day to raise money for veterans or worn in the lapel as a tribute.

My father fought in World War II. What these men gave up and what they still give up to this day is just comprehensible. The great little joys we have everyday, the ones they cannot enjoy, the ones we take for granted. Hot coffee in the morning. A soft and comfortable bed at night. Being able to walk outside and say what a beautiful day and not be shot when doing it. What we take for granted!
So here's to all that have served, and to my father, God bless you all! We will always appreciate what you have and what you are doing. Thanks, thanks thanks!!!

Article: Found on the History Channel. 





Monday, November 9, 2009

Brilliant! Discovery Of The Century!

Discovery of the day, the month or just possibly the century. Yeah! I am excited. Probably really far behind but it's OK as long as it is here, I am just that excited. It changes life as we know it at our cottage. I was reading this morning about menu planning, which I have been doing for a really long time. Now we have the easiest way to do it and make it far more exciting for our family. 2 discoveries, Google Calendar and RecipeZaar. Yeah the computer is a genius. First I can find my recipes on RecipeZaar, change quantities if I want, make a shopping list and then copy it to my Google calendar for future reference and also to make our life a lot easier, since I am a full time working momma. I am dancing and jumping up and down. Finally someone else will HELP me with my job! Loving it. It is so easy to use both the calendar and the RecipeZaar site. A link for you to find this great website:
Please take a look below at my calendar, which is in process, but with all the great recipes, where does one start?
Start today saving recipes share them with family and friends. Make life just a little more simple for you and yours.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

An Autumn Walk


Could this little old road be luring me now
Deep into autumn's fold;
Through the glorious light of the noonday sun
That illumines the trees of gold?

Through the vista that wanders and curves its way
Along the dreaming hill;
Through a radiant wood of leaves and boughs
That ring with the warblers' trill?

Could this little old road be enticing me now
Through the Indian summer heat,
Where the meadows are sprawling with flowers and grass,
And the orchard is mellow-sweet?

Where the faraway hill stirs and glistens anew
In the beautiful autumn glow?
Could this little old road be beckoning now--
My heart is eager and I must go!

~~By Joy Belle Burgess.~~

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tuesday Laughs-Late Show - Farewell to "Great Moments in Presidential Speeches

Gosh do I really miss this guy. That was very sarcastic unfortunately! He certainly was great for something.....great speeches and shoe dodger. I apologize to everyone that may have been a fan of President Bush, I was not! I certainly am glad I no longer have to hear this man give a state of the union address. You just never knew what was coming. Well here are a few (LOL) there were many that stuck out!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Lacy Leaves

Here is a very beautiful and inspiring piece of art that you may enjoy creating with your family this fall. Family time is so very important to us all. It is getting close and keeping warm and treasuring your time together. Here is a way to not only take time to collect the PERFECT fall leaves but then preserve them for the years to come. Screen who would have thought? The creative minds of BHG are always working. So many ways to be creative with this one. Hope you enjoy making these with your loved ones! Heres the link now go and make some with your family!

Lacy Leaves

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It’s Going To Be A Long Winter

Since I have a little OCD going on sometimes it is hard for me to get up and get moving on a project. Problem being it has to be well…just so, to say it mildly. Color has to be right, the shapes have to be right, the positioning of things have to be right, the angle of furniture has to be right and so on and so forth and so on. And boy does it ever go on. I looked for a solid year for the perfect couch, what an experience that was. Mr Cottage Dreams is absolutely ecstatic that it is here. Now he’s not allowed to sit on it, that’s another story. The couch is white and his job requires he get all black and dirty. OK ladies enough said! No sitting on the couch dear! Our new couch is almost exact to the above picture except it has a skirt. I love it he hates it! It’s a woman’s world sorry guys! Anyways back to the picture I of course LOVE the couch but even more I really get a lot of inspiration from the picture on the wall….thinking maybe the old windows taking up room in our garage!
I am currently working on a project right now very close to the one above. My container is a heart shape and causing me some distress. It will be fine I just need to remember to breathe when it falls left or right continuously. I’m still searching for the right picture holder thingy. I did a fall arrangement. Guess you could do all seasons or holidays with a little changing of the foliage. It’s going to be a long winter!
Several of these in a bathroom would make beautiful towel racks. I love it.
I really hope I’m not stepping on any toes but if I have your picture here that means I just adore it! And thanks so much for the inspiration that comes from your beautiful photos. Just leave me a comment and I will be happy to link back to your blog! This is a magnetic photo board made from 2 sheets of sheet metal. I  was reading that it can be found at your local Home Depot…awesome! This is a great idea and I do really love it! Hope your week is going well and hope all your cottage dreams are coming true!
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